Hope Love Dream
Heidi Sapere's art gallery is a source of inspiration and hope. Her art illuminates a path toward a brighter tomorrow despite our trying times. Her masterpieces remind us of the significance of our aspirations and instill in us the courage to pursue them relentlessly.
This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. But, first, to let go of life. Then, finally, to take a step without feet.
- Rumi
Veil dance photography:
In the Journey Photography
Ron Bruess
Art in Motion
My passion for art is deeply rooted in the grace and beauty of movement, which I find through my love for dancing. My artwork is a reflection of this fluidity, even when still. My journey began with modern jazz dancing and colored pencil art. Still, it led me to become a veiled dancer at the Northern Renaissance Fair, a social dancer at Friday Night Waltz and PEERS events, and a Victorian dancer at Gaskell's Balls and The Great Dickens Fair.
As a graphic designer, I created inspirational fairy fortunes, songbooks, greeting cards, and business cards for the Northern Renaissance Faire and other artistic pursuits. Over time, I discovered my love for fabric, sewing, and painting veils for my costumes. This website is a visual timeline of my artistic journey, from my earliest creations, at age five, to the present day.